I had to wait a day or so to blog about my big
South Carolina trip because I didn't want my horrific trek back to influence my review of the weekend. It truly was an amazing, unforgettable weekend - and United Airlines (and whatever vendetta they have against me) made it their personal mission to ruin my life on Monday. But more on that later.
I arrived in Charleston just before midnight on Thursday. Vanessa scooped me and the adventure began. The initial plan was to go straight out but we were both so exhausted that we opted for a girls night in. We got back to her place, changed into sweats, and talked about everyone. we. know. We had so much
gossiping catching-up to do - we were like 12 year-olds at a slumber party. It was so great to hear about all the awesome things going on her life.
We woke up Friday and immediately threw our plans out the window. We slept in late (glorious) ate an amazing breakfast at
The Boulevard (delectable) and immediately went back home to our PJs. We finally mustered up the energy to get dressed and made our way downtown.
We window shopped and made our way into a few of the unique boutiques downtown Charleston has to offer. My goal was to find something for Johnny but I failed miserably. I did however pick up this adorable vintage Carolina tee for myself:
I'm thinking my next gameday outfit will look something like this (plus my sweet new tee):
No, I don't own the black onyx David Yurman ring.... but I would definitely wear it with this outfit if I did.
So anyways - after some light shopping we met up with Marialice at
Fleet Landing for a few cocktails on the water. We had the best seat in the house and it was the perfect night to sit outside.
Flash Fail. |
We made it an early night because the next day was GAMEDAY! After a quick stop at River Street Sweets for some of their world famous Pralines it was off to bed we went.
Saturday was such a blur (and I swear that has nothing to do with the
Fireball) It was so great to be back in Columbia and I would be a liar if I said I didn't experience some serious nostalgia. The tailgating was just as amazing as I remembered, the PJ just as sweet, and cheering just as loud. Just as we were starting to feel like college kids again, some 19 year old girls in the bathroom line told us we "looked great for 25" (as if we were 50) and asked what kind of skincare regimen we use. FML.
So here is the four of us before we left for tailgate:
Our 50 yd line seats:
And Nessy and I at the game like old times.... Marialice should be in this picture but she bailed after the first quarter to TAKE A NAP. Ohhh Marialice.
Gameday came and went. It was a sad loss for the Gamecocks and I will swear on my deathbed that we still had 1 second left - enough time to attempt a game-tying field goal. But there is no going back.... onto Kentucky.
My last day in South Carolina was spent stuffing our faces. I was super excited for our dinner reservations Sunday night.
Bon Apetiete Magazine had recently named
Husk as the #1 best new restaurant in America and that's where we were headed. The meal was creative and modern, yet still authentically southern. I got the braised duck (I can't turn down duck anywhere - ever. Let's pray McD's doesn't come out with a McDuck or I'm screwed). They create their menu daily based on what's fresh and local at the time so you never know what you're gonna get. I got my fried green tomato fix (served with pimento cheese and thinly shaved Virginia ham) and everyone at the table was pleasantly stuffed. Given the chance, you should check this place out - definitely a keeper.

So after an amazing weekend of girl time, amazing food, and Carolina football, it was time to leave my former life behind and head home to the loves of my life. Ness dropped me off promptly at 5am for my 6am flight. They told me at check-in the flight was being delayed an hour. Well one hour turned to two, and two turned to three until I heard the man sitting behind me having a coronary over his phone conversation with United. Apparently the flight had been CANCELLED and they weren't planning on telling anyone. We had all sat there for three hours with hopes of boarding at any minute only to hear (from another passenger) we were all stranded. We had missed the next flight, connections to Charlotte were booked, and since my bag had already been sent to no-where land I had no choice but to wait for whatever next available flight they could find... which ended up being at TWO THIRTY. So I waited, and sat, and walked around (all 600 sq ft of the Charleston airport...) read
36 a few magazines and waited some more. Nine hours after my scheduled arrival I finally set foot back in good ol' VA. I was so excited to see Jack I could hardly breathe. I practically ran to the baggage carousel and waited some more... all for nothing. My bag was gone. At this point I was so past the point of caring. I dropped my name and contact information with customer service (who couldn't have cared less) and left to see my boys. My bag magically arrived on my doorstep 24 hours later.
I'm currently drafting a strongly worded letter to United.