
February 22, 2013

Happy [half]Birthday to You!

Holy moly has it really been six months since my little stink bomb of a miracle came into the world?? I really just can't believe it. Almost exactly a year ago we had just found out we were having another boy and were living blissfully unaware of his cleft. Now here we are, one surgery in, another on the horizon, and more in love that I ever could have imagined. (I'll be the first to admit, I was skeptical about my physical ability to love another child as much as I loved Jack. I'm blown away by my heart's capacity to love another child THAT much. It's an absolute phenomenon. But I digress...)

So what's been going on in the Hawkins' house? We've been busy with doctors appointments, as usual. We got a new nanny who we love - she doesn't even flinch when H projectile vomits all over her first thing in the morning. True sign of a keeper. Oh yeah, and Jack uses the potty. Did you get that? JACK USES THE POTTY! We've had a few set backs here and there, but for the most part he is doing so great and I am so proud of him. I'm mostly proud of the $80/month I'm saving on not having to diaper two butts. That's shoe money, folks!

Onto the Hughitt update. We're almost 3 months post lip repair and he is doing fantastic. He's been gaining a crazy amount of weight and has shot up from the 1% pre-op to the 20th at his last appointment. I'm pretty sure it's all in his cheeks. We have a little bit of concern over his scar forming a keloid but his doctor is keeping an eye on it and can touch it up at his next surgery if need be.

He was diagnosed with mild Torticollis (congenital tightening of the neck muscles) so we've been seeing a Physical Therapist once a week to help him stretch them out and build some strength. He didn't get much tummy time for those first three months due to the orthodontic device which has left him with some weakness in his back and shoulders. (Read: new mommies, do your tummy time!)

We've got surgery #2 on the books for April 1st. This is his palate repair and will be more involved than his last surgery so we are a little nervous. I lose my cool when I burn the roof of my mouth on pizza - I can't imagine the pain of having your entire palate dissected, rearranged, and sewn back together. I hate the helpless feeling of knowing he is in pain, but we will be in great hands at Georgetown and we'll have all the help we'll need. He's shown us before how resilient he is, I'm confident he'll bounce back quickly.

So that should be it for the next few years! (Crossing my fingers, knocking on wood, putting on my lucky socks...I'm open to other superstitious suggestions...)We'll have to do some re-learning when it comes to eating, which may involve some occupational therapy, but hopefully that's our last hurdle until we get into speech development.

Here are a few recent pictures of our half-a-year-old boy wonder, otherwise known as Cheeks McGee:

And one of our super potty peeing, big wheeling, heart breaking two year old badass: (ok let's face it, he wears entirely too much plaid to ever be a badass, but he's still cool)