
January 25, 2011

Hey Y'all!

Welcome to my new blog! Once again, my dear friend Lisa has inspired me. Last year, she inspired me to buy a house. My husband and I moved into this gem in March '10. She's a work in progress.

This year, she has inspired me to start a blog. I know, not quite as intense as buying a house - but maintaining a decent blog is serious business! Lisa keeps a great blog about healthy living and other fun stuff - you can keep up with her here, Treadmill Runner.

Hopefully next year Lisa will inspire me to take a vacation :) No pressure Lis, just a suggestion.

So you're probably wondering what my blog will be about (because it certainly won't be about healthy living...) Over the last 12 months I have managed to complete just about every major adult-life milestone. In March, we bought our beautiful home pictured above. In April, we welcomed our amazing son Jack into the world. And in October, we made it official and tied the knot. Yes, a little out of order - we consider it the celebrity route.

Here's my sweet boy when he was two weeks old. Photo compliments of my extremely talented sister, Stephanie. See more at Stephanie Scambos Photography.

And here is my husband Johnny and I on our wedding day. We had the most perfect beach wedding imaginable in Duck, North Carolina on October 16th.

Being the perfectionist that I am, I push myself on a daily basis to be "perfect" at all my life duties: wife, mother, homemaker, friend, etc. My blog will chronicle my successes and failures at striving to be the ultimate Martha Stewart meets Betty Crocker meets Super Nanny. I'll try my best to post all my best recipes, craft projects, and parenting tricks - as well as my failures, because we all know those make the best stories.


  1. Meg, this is so cute!

    First follower right here!

  2. Very Cute Meg! I love the background print.

    I'm glad I read Lisa's Blog today, or else I wouldn't have seen this one.

    I'm excited to follow yours too now! :)
