
February 23, 2011

Ear Tubes and Cook Books

Decisions, decisions. No one ever tells you about the decisions you have to make as a parent. I know I'm extremely lucky for this to by my biggest concern, but it's worrisome none-the-less. Jack was recently treated for his fifth ear infection in four months. When we went in for his 9 month check-up last month the fluid had still not completely dried up and his pediatrician had had enough. She sent us along to see an ENT to discuss our options for really getting rid of this thing. I knew that meant having tubes put in his ears, but I didn't really think much of it. In my naivety, I assumed we would come in for a quick appointment, they would slide the suckers in, and we could go on our merry way. Not so much. Turns out having tubes put in is a legitimate surgery. After being put under general anesthesia, the doctor will cut small holes in his eardrums where the drainage tubes will be inserted (are you cringing yet?) The surgery only takes about ten minutes, and the recovery is short with only a mild painkiller needed. The effects of the tubes are practically immediate and he should be free of ear infections for the next year or so. The benefits seem to strongly outweigh the risks but I'm still absolutely terrified of the thought of my baby being put under general anesthesia. Maybe I watch too much Gray's Anatomy. The doctor is urging us to make a decision before another infection sets in - so we have lots of research to do in the next few days.

On a happier note - I've found a new obsession with Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious cookbook.

Again, we rewind back to Jack's nine month appointment. His doctor tells me he should start experimenting more with soft finger foods like pancakes and french toast. Pancakes and french toast???? I've been making homemade organic baby food for the last 4 months and now you're telling me to give him pancakes and french toast?? Enter Jessica Seinfeld and your genius cookbook. She's come up with tons of child friendly recipes that have fruits and veggies hidden inside. Anything from mac and cheese mixed with cauliflower puree to brownies with spinach puree. It sounds gross, but most of the veggies add moisture and better texture and you can't taste them, it's pure magic. I started with sweet potato pancakes because I already had a stock of sweet potato puree in the freezer. Jack demolished two full size pancakes and I'm sure would have eaten more had I allowed him. I've stocked up on cauliflower, beets, pumpkin, and spinach and can't wait to make more purees for some of these recipes. (note - these recipes are not meant to replace fruits and veggies from the diet, they simply make the usual kid favorites more healthy.) This weekend I'm going to give banana-squash bread a whirl. We'll see what our little food critic thinks...

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