
February 11, 2011

Facebook Pet Peeve

Please excuse my rant for the day - and I apologize if you fall into this category. But it must stop. Over the last couple of days I have seen this several times, so I'm not sure if it's a rising trend or just a coincidence but nonetheless, it drives me crazy. When a husband and a wife share a facebook page by combining their names into one first and last name (example: MeaganAndJohnny Hawkins). There is absolutely zero excuse for this. What is the reasoning?? My only thought when I see this is that one person clearly doesn't trust the other to have their own Facebook account - and you're trying to cover that up by appearing so blissfully in love that you must share everything - including a pretend virtual persona. And the ironic part about this is that I would bet anything that one individual in the relationship controls the facebook page - which definitely makes me think that one person wanted a facebook page so badly but didn't trust the other so their workaround was to have this lovely joint page. GAG ME. If you don't trust your spouse to have their own account on the book then clearly you have bigger fish to fry then whose name should go first.

If you disagree, I would love to hear your reasoning.  Maybe there's justification for this ridiculous practice that I'm unaware of.


  1. BAHAHAAAA - I saw one of those married couples facebook pages too.. quite possibly the same one you saw. :) HAHA

  2. Completely agree! They are very annoying! I also hate the "I'm soo in love with you, and you are sooo wonderful" save it for the bedroom!
