
February 1, 2011


It's official - Jack is finally, with full intention, saying Mama! He's been saying "Dada" for several weeks now which is adorable and heart warming  - but as the weeks went by without "Mama" to follow, it was pretty upsetting. Soon after dada came just about every other consonant besides M. He was saying gaga, nana, yaya... you name it. Then out of nowhere, last week he started rambling "Mamamamama" not fully directing it at me, but making the sound none-the-less. Just in the last couple of days he has been saying it directly to me when he wants to be picked up, when he's hungry or tired, or when he wants me to follow him somewhere. It is by far the most rewarding part of motherhood so far. He still can't quite say it on command, but I'll take what I can get.

On another note - it's another work-from-home day for me - woohoo! I really like my job and enjoy seeing my coworkers everyday but I must say, nothing quite beats getting to work from the comfort of your couch in your PJs! My favorite part of working from home (besides getting to hang out with little man, obviously) is getting to watch the Today show while I work - love me some Matt Lauer. This morning they had Candace Cameron on (DJ from Full House) and I must say, girlfriend looks GREAT. Her pudgy teen days are definitely a part of her past. She was actually on to promote her new book about her struggles with weight loss and dieting - Maybe I'll check it out.

As I finish typing this post - I look up from my computer and this is what I see (I took this pic with my blackberry, so please excuse its poor quality...)

The little stinker has finally discovered the stairs. And you can tell from that grin on his face he knows he shouldn't be up there. Guess it's time to give in and put up the baby gate :( 

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