
March 15, 2011

Be The Match!

I just made a big decision and I am so excited to share it with all of you - and hope that some of you will make the choice too. As of today, I am officially registered on the National Marrow Donor list - part of the Be The Match Foundation. Each year, more than 10,000 people suffer from blood diseases such as Leukemia and could benefit from a marrow transplant. Out of those 10,000 more than 70% of them will not have a family member who is a genetic match. That means their only hope of a cure comes from complete strangers willing to make the donation.

When my mother was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer, there wasn't anything anyone could do about it. No donation of any kind would make her healthy again. The thought of simply donating blood (which is the more common method of "marrow" donation today) and saving someones life is absolutely incredible.

There are so many myths about bone marrow transplants that prevent people from giving. The biggest one is that it is a horrifyingly painful process. The more common form of donation today takes place through a process called Peripheral Blood Cell Donation where blood is withdrawn from one arm, filtered for cells, and returned through the other arm - no more painful than donating blood. The less common form of donation is through a traditional bone marrow transplant where healthy marrow is removed from the pelvic bone and harvested for the recipient. When undergoing this type of procedure, the donor will be under anesthesia and will only feel moderate soreness when they wake. Either way - it is in no way comparable to the pain and suffering felt by a cancer patient.

Becoming a part of the registry is super easy and FREE! Once you sign up online and fill out a brief health history survey they will mail you a testing kit. The kit takes about 30 seconds (4 cheek swabs) and you send it back in the postage paid envelope.

Here's my kit - 4 quick cheek swabs to determine my DNA compatibility.

 Becoming a part of the registry does not in any way obligate you to donate - or even mean you'll ever be picked. Think about it this way - if your loved one was diagnosed with a blood disease, wouldn't you hope a complete stranger would step up to save their life? I do. I hope I am given that opportunity.

Read more and sign up to be a donor TODAY!

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