
March 30, 2011

Making Strides (literally)

Just a quick mid-week post to share some great news... Jack is walking! Well, not full on walking around, but as of Monday he is able to take 3-4 steps at a time. He is getting more and more confident and I have no doubt it will only be a couple more weeks 'till we have a runner.

Monday was a big day for us, not only because of the walking, but because Jack also finally sprouted his second tooth. It had been well over a month since the first one came in so we were happy to see its companion poking through. Additionally, Jack turned 11 months old on Monday. It was like his little way of telling us that in one more month he will be a big boy and is going to start doing big boy things. Walking, cutting teeth... what's next?

Speaking of birthdays... we are just 38 days away from Jack's Big Birthday Extravaganza! We've been doing lots of planning (when I say we, I mean ME) and I think it's going to turn out just as I had hoped. Because of his birthday coinciding with the beginning of baseball season (and more because Johnny is obsessed) we've decided to have a baseball themed party. I can't wait to post pictures - I think it's going to turn out really cute :)

Finally, a cute video to brighten this cold yucky Wednesday - I saw this on the Today show this morning and it is too cute. Oddly enough, as soon as Jack heard the babies yapping he crawled right over to the TV, stood up, and started mimicking them! Maybe babies really do have conversations?


  1. That video is too funny! And I can't believe Jack is walking (sort of). Man, I just missed it.

  2. The hand movements of these two are hilarious, they must be Italian
