
September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Debbie

Today would be my mother's 52nd birthday. This is her ninth birthday since she passed away and it never gets easier. What does get easier however, is celebrating the 43 years she spent with us (well, she technically only spent 17 with me, but you know what I mean.) In those 43 years she became a sibling to five brothers (FIVE brothers. The woman deserved the medal of honor...) and one amazing sister. She became a wife to the luckiest man I know (maybe besides my own husband, of course). She became the biological mother to three [wonderful, intelligent, beautiful] children and a surrogate mom to our countless friends who loved and trusted her as we did. She became the best friend anyone could ask for to women who considered her a sister. Even through to the end, she became a positive voice over a devastating disease.

I could go on and on about the wonderful woman she was, but most of you reading this knew her and don't need the reminder. I won't pretend that all the wonderful things make up for the things she's missed - but I am certainly able to be at peace with her death knowing all she accomplished and all the lives she touched. All I can do now is be the best sister, wife, mother, and friend that she was. I love you mamma. Happy birthday to you.

This is my beautiful mother (right) on her wedding day along side her sister and maid of honor.
June 27th, 1981

Alongside my sister and maid of honor on my wedding day. Inside the locket around my neck is the picture above. 
October 16th, 2010

In honor of nine birthday gifts and nine homemade birthday cakes, please consider making a donation to  Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Help a sister, wife, mom, and friend celebrate another birthday.

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh Meagan.. most beautiful post ever!

    Happy birthday to your mom (one day late!)
