
October 24, 2011

Trash to Treasure

I am so excited to share my most recent craft because it was so easy and CHEAP! I found this frame on the side of the road (yes folks, you read that correctly - ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD) and decided it would make the perfect chalk board frame. It was pretty beat up, but it was a nice solid oak frame. I bought a large piece of matting from the craft store (essentially super thick poster board) to use as the backing.

A can of this:

And a bottle of this:

And now I have this:

It hangs perfectly in the kitchen on the laundry room door to remind of things like what day of the week it is, who I am, and to remind me to tighten the screws that attach my head to my neck. I knew the sidewalk chalk we put in Jack's Easter basket would get put to good use.

And in completely unrelated news (and for the sake of cuteness) we trekked out to the Corn Maize at Temple Hall Farm over the weekend (with the Shepherd clan, obvi.) Here is Jack preparing to fearlessly get us completely lost lead us through the maize.

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